The housing crisis in the Bay Area and beyond, economic stagnation, widening wealth inequality, environmental degradation―can Henry George's ideas offer a path forward that unfettered capitalism and incremental socialism lack? Interviews, roundtable discussions, and debates.

California Landlord Bailout ... Now What? with Shanti Singh 2021-07-29
While moratoria expires federally, California has one more go-round of "eviction protections"; landlords get paid out 100%, but where exactly are tenants today? Shanti Singh of Tenants Together is back to talk about how Sacramento crafts tenant bills; also talk about how SF CLT's is held up by dismal city institutions.

California Landlord Bailout ... Now What? with Shanti Singh
Eviction Crisis Update: Things Got Worse, with Shanti Singh 2020-11-05
We check back with Shanti Singh of Tenants Together to find out about Gavin Newsom's eviction moratorium and its many flaws, talk about how this relates to the financialization of housing, and talk about action plans between here and February.

Eviction Crisis Update: Things Got Worse, with Shanti Singh
Stopping the Evictions, with Shanti Singh 2020-07-23
We're in the midst of an eviction crisis in the danger of getting much, much worse. Shanti Singh of Tenants Together is on to talk about what is getting done, and what can be done to stop this. (We agree not to go at each other's throats about land-use for an entire show!) Talk about local-level, state-level, and federal-level interventions; talk about neoliberal vs forward-looking approaches to remedy tenant issues, and on the struggle to organize tenants and build power.

Stopping the Evictions, with Shanti Singh